Monday, December 12, 2011

Sunflower Seed Salad Dressing

Salad can seem boring and it never hurts to mix it up by adding a tasty new dressing idea.  I often experiment with all sorts of concoctions which have good and bad results!

This one I like, so thought I would share the idea.

-Handful of Sunflower seeds
-One clove of garlic
-Two tablespoons of olive oil
-Pinch of Salt
-Sprinkling of cayenne pepper.

Your Salad of choice: green leaves chopped red onion, cherry tomatoes and kale is my favourite.

I have a small attachment to my blender so I just chuck all the ingredients together and whizz it up.  If it is too thick I simply add a little water so it pours nicely.  Sometimes I get involved and literally massage the salad with it so it is all covered.  Finally I sprinkle with sunflower and black sesame seeds.  YUM. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions: Colonic Irrigation

I know you are interested, you are here after all!  Putting a tube up your bum is not so bad, I can assure you that the benefits truly do outweigh all the fears before you do it. 

I coach people daily through self administered colon therapy and I thought that for those of you who are considering doing a detox and were worried about the process a list of the questions I get asked the most would be useful...

1.  Will it hurt?

No, the sensation can be uncomfortable at times and feels similar to when you have to go to the toilet in a hurry.  This can be accompanied by that familiar cramping feeling you get when you have eaten something that does not agree with you.  This lasts only a few seconds before you release the fluid.  I would say there are moments of slight discomfort, but certainly not pain.  All the guests here look relieved when they come down from their first pain and feeling great!

2. Is it really necessary?

It would not be necessary in a perfect world as we would be eating healthy, home grown fruit vegetables and plenty of fibre (and meat occasionally, if we were fast enough to catch it!).  However in most western diets our bodies are getting overloaded with the wrong foods that we cannot cope with, far too much red meat and lots of chemical additives.  The stagnation that results can lead to fatigue, illness and eventually disease.

3. How often should I do it?

This is not something that should be part of your regular lifestyle.  It is a technique used to eliminate built up waste and after a colonic session you should be aiming to achieve a diet that helps you eliminate naturally.  It is not a quick fix, but part of a lifestyle change. It is best done as part of a fast or raw food diet with prior cleansing.  Once or twice a year is a good idea for most people.

4. Are there any side-effects?

Mostly just feeling lighter, brighter and more energised.  However sometimes people can feel a little tired afterwards and like to have a restful day or even a lie down.  Most people report instant relief from headaches and fatigue.  If done correctly with the correct guidance then there will be no negative side-effects from the process.

5. Is putting a tube up your bum going to damage it or your insides?

No, as long as you follow the advice of the practitioner or coach then you have no chance of doing any damage.  You can safely insert 4 inches of tubing and the water flows in and out gently so there is no unnecessary force.  If you have a condition related to your colon such as diverticulitis, crohn's disease or an inflammatory bowel conditions then you should avoid this treatment completely or seek advice.

I hope this helps those of you who are thinking of trying colon hydrotherapy and do feel free to ask more questions if you are interested!

For more information about how the process works, visit this link:

Josie. Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Is MSG bad for you?

When you start to look at food additives and their effects it brings a whole new meaning to the slogan 'Once you pop, you can't stop.'  MSG changes the way your body reacts neurologically to the food and makes you desperately want more of it.

What is MSG?

MSG, or Monosodium Glutamate is a salt of the amino acid - Glutamic Acid (glutamate).  A salt is the chemical name for a molecule held together by opposite charges.   Basically one (mono) sodium atom is "stuck" to the amino acid glutamate.
It occurs naturally in some foods and is not harmful in this situation unless you are sensitive to it.  The problem is the way it is concentrated and put into everything.  This is when it may become unsafe and cause problems. It increases your appetite for the food you are eating and can make you overeat.  Some people have severe reactions to food additives such as MSG.
To find out whether what you are eating contains MSG you need to be a detective.  It can be hidden under labels such as:

Autolyzed Plant Protein
Autolyzed Yeast
Calcium Caseinate
Glutamic Acid
Hydrolyzed Anything or Anything Hydrolyzed
Monopotassium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate
Sodium Caseinate
Textured Protein
Vegetable Protein Extract
Yeast Extract
Yeast food or nutrient

Be aware that if something says 'NO MSG' all over the label.  It may have a similar additive that goes under a different name instead.

Choosing natural foods made from scratch is the safest way of knowing what you are putting in your body.


Friday, November 25, 2011

How do I lose weight. Some advice and my 5 Top Tips.

This is a terribly common question we all ask ourselves once in a while.  Some people ask it most days, some at the end of Christmas, some every six seconds. 

Some don't ask themselves at all until suddenly they have a ring of fat around their middles in their forties that they are totally unfamiliar with and not entirely pleased to meet.  This is often the hardest to lose as it is what we call 'visceral fat' and it lies deeper within the body, possibly caused by a fatty liver.  This kind of fat can impair organ function and is often the onset of type 2 Diabetes. 

Excess fat cells (adipose tissue) release 'cytokines' into the body which are pro inflammatory and disrupt the body's chemistry causing cells to mutate and degrade.  Someone who is obese (and if you look at the charts, obese is actually not that big at all) will be at risk of developing a lot of nasty illnesses as the body is in a constant battle with itself (

These alone are reasons to shift any excess weight before it thinks it is in charge, without even mentioning the lovely wardrobe of suits or skinny jeans people are hoarding in shame and desperate to get out.  Imagine how those clothes feel?  So abandoned. 

But do not fret, your cast aways shall see the light of day again.  Fat is one of those things that can be tackled easily with a few small steps.

Ok, so weight loss does differ depending on the individual but having a higher muscle mass is definately a good starting point to burning fat.  So exercise is the first point of call.  Some cardio, some resistance training.  But definately about half an hour a day.  Schedules are tough and it can be hard, so do what you can.  Walking rather than taking the car or bus everywhere will make a massive difference.

We have an energy balance in the body which is relatively simple when you look at it crudely.  We need to take out some calories and increase our activity to lose weight, it should be that simple.  But some people have food addictions.  Others have binge eating problems.  Some have thyroid imbalances.  Some people actually have slower metabolisms than others. 

My advice for all of you is to start with a detox diet or full fast.  This puts you on the right track by stripping your body of its cravings, giving you a head start in weight loss and giving you the positive boost you need to take that first step forward.

My Five Tips for Weight Loss with Food!

1.  Keep your Sugar Levels Balanced to avoid cravings.  Choose slow release carbohydrates like brown rice and other whole grains.  Avoid white bread and rice and all refined pastries and snacks.  They play havoc with your blood sugar and take away your control over what you eat with massive physical cravings. These foods use nutrients for your body to process without giving you any nutrients!  This makes your body want more food to get nutrients into it.

2.  Fresh Vegetables in salads or steamed can never do you any harm (as long as you wash them well).  Use them in everything.  Vegetable soup is a great weight loss tool, as are large abundant salads.

3.  Green Smoothies with a good blend of greens and flax seed.  The flax seed and greens slow the release of sugar from the drink and give you a good boost before the gym or mid morning.

4. Don't Avoid Fat.  You need fat to transport hormones around the body.  So your metabolism will be slowed down if you avoid all fat.  Choose good fats in flax and other seeds, nuts, oily fish, avacado, olive and coconut oils.

5. Keep Active.  Instead of flopping on the sofa try and do something active. Doing anything, however small, but staying active is still constantly burning calories.  The TV is your worst enemy if you are trying to shift pounds, unless you are watching Mr Motivator on plasma widescreen (what a terrifying thought).

Be reassured that how ever long you have been battling a few extra pounds, you can definately make a difference with a few simple steps.  Don't be too hard on yourself, you will get there, just take it one step at a time.

Here are some related posts that might interest you.

Detox with food:

Fasting Detox:

Binge Eating:

Good Fat:

Good Luck.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Vitamin C Video...Why it is amazing!

Monday, November 21, 2011

How do I get healthy? How do I actually start?

One of my most precious friends has asked me to write a blog on how to get started on the path to health.  I see him as someone who is pretty healthy, but he obviously knows otherwise! 

I guess some of you feel like there is too much information.  It is so confusing. Who is right and wrong?  Do I need to be so extreme to be healthy? Most importantly, how do I add something to my muffin and coffee diet to make it more appeasing to my cells?  

Today I am going to give you three steps to start getting healthier.

I will try and bring a few of the tips and ideas from my posts into something you can work with today. I have put it into three steps to get going, as that seems manageable, even for those of you who live on croissants.  

Step 1: Getting your Nutritional Profile Sorted

Our body needs about 40 nutrients a day, YES a DAY!  Those include vitamins, minerals and macro nutrients.  Most of you are going to be busy working and playing and not able to focus on getting all of those nutrients through your food.  Who has the time? Most don't. (Life is good right?  So many fun, unhealthy pursuits to engage in.)  But, oh, the guilt!

Even a raw organic diet needs constant care to get all of those nutrients, so it makes sense to take a supplement.  Go to your local health shop and ask for a good multi vitamin that includes all your B vitamins.  I also suggest you take at least 1000mg of Vitamin C a day, your adrenal glands use more vitamin C than any other place in the body and stress instantly drains them of it. 

I recommend Vital Greens as a superfood supplement that gives you a great all round boost if you can get hold of some, it is more easily absorbed than pill supplements and contains all of the nutrients you need.

Step Two: Eat More Raw Food

You don't have to be extreme and eat only raw food.  Try and get one really big salad in everyday and plenty of fresh fruit.  Raw food has a great affect on the body as it contains vital enzymes which aid digestion; the food does the work for you!  Raw food is also much higher in vital vitamins, minerals and proteins than a lot of cooked food so getting some in everyday is a great start.

That is not to say cooked food is bad, there are arguments for both, so in this scenario I always hedge my bets and do a combination.  Use the information available and make an educated decision.  I was having a conversation today about MSG and whether it really is bad for you?  My conclusion is if there is chance it is terrible, why take the risk?

Step Three: Green Smoothie a Day

Ok, I know I bang on about these all the time, but that is for a very good reason.  A green smoothie is the best way to get as many of the nutrients you need in an easily absorbed instant boost. If you feel you don't have time to make it in the morning, put all the ingredients in the blender the night before and whiz it before you go to work.  If you don't have time to do that?  MAKE TIME.  Eugh how bossy, but it's true.  Your health is the only thing you cannot buy (apart from that private island you so long for) so take care of it!

Instructions are on this post:

Finally, oh god I KNOW, it is Christmas and you are all going to have so much temptation, but just try and get a balance, even if you are getting loads of rubbish thrown in, please make sure you are getting the nutrients your body needs as well.  Give it a bleedin’ chance to recover from each onslaught!

LOVE you liver, Adore your adrenals and have as much fun as possible along the way because we only live once in this body and therefore a bit of care and carelessness is in order here.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is colonic irrigation good for you?

Some people may find the idea of colon cleansing off putting and I can understand why it may seem strange, but the benefits of this healing tool are long documented.  Most people are interested by the idea but are not sure what it really involves or if it is necessary...

Want to know more?

There are a range of terms for colon cleansing which is done using water or coffee or other cleansing potions to clean the large intestine.  For the sake of this blog I shall use the term 'Enema' and describe 'water' as the liquid for the process.  

Colinic Irrigation: This normally refers to a Nurse/colonic therapist administered pressure system.  She puts the tube in, she is in charge, you watch the waste go through a clear tube. 

Colema/Enema: Self administered system using gravity to let the water flow in.  You are in charge, you call the shots.  You are alone in the bathroom.  Some use a 1.5 litre bottle, some use a 10 litre bucket.  Both are effective.

All methods do the same thing, which is to allow water to gently enter the body through the rectum and around the colon (aka large intestine/bowel) cleaning inside and carrying waste naturally out of your bottom.  I understand that it may seem very strange, but I can assure you the results are amazing.

Besides, this is nothing new, it was practised for thousands of years in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Chinese and Indian civilisations, and referred to in the gospel of Angels (The Essene Gospel of Peace) (regimes. It has existed as a natural cleansing treatment for centuries, the health benefits of this treatment are long documented.

Compacted fecal matter that gathers as a result of our low fibre, high simple carbohydrate diet becomes sticky and clings to the wall of the colon, creating blockages and a toxic overload on the liver.  Our poor liver which has so much to do already.  The blood which circulates to the liver from our small intestines and colons can be extremely toxic if our digestive tract is clogged with old rubbish and our livers take the toll, leaving us tired and sluggish.  Perhaps even ill.

The large intestine has a one way valve where it meets the small intestine so the water will never go further than the colon.  The pressure of the water feels like the urgency of needing to go to the toilet RIGHT THIS MINUTE and with practice you can retain the water and allow it to flow further into the colon to cleanse even deeper. 

I can understand that it repels people, but done correctly by cleansing the small intestine first with a cleansing high fibre diet/supplementation, twinned with good bacteria/probiotic supplements post-enema, there really is no space for anything but magical healing power.

So, this is a simple introduction to give you an idea of what this process involves and how it can be beneficial to the body.  Ultimately enemas can cleanse your blood, your liver, your skin and leave you feeling energised and radiant as well as relieving or abolishing many illnesses.  They are contraindicated for certain conditions so do your research first.

Josie Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How can I detox without fasting?

It is not realistic that everybody take the plunge today and eliminate food for a week or more.  Full fasting cleanses, juice fasts, water fasts and herbal cleansing are an unrivaled way of pressing the reset button and renewing your body.  But not everyone is ready for this step and not everybody has the time or patience at the moment, especially as the weather is getting colder in some parts of the world!

So, instead of going the whole way and cleansing full steam ahead, why not try a cleansing diet for a week before and then after Christmas (or through it if you are hardcore).  The detox centres on the island are FULL at this time of year I can assure you, Christmas day is not a holiday for me, it is spent looking after a full house of fasters trying to escape the Christmas abuse the body takes and the extra pounds of unwanted fat it stores as a result

Ok, so I have put a sample day together for you to work from.  This day includes nuts and spelt crackers and quinoa which give you grains and fats to keep you going if you are working. 

If you are off work or have a pretty relaxed working day you could try being even more alkaline in your diet (eating only alkaline forming foods) by adding more greens and vegetables and losing some of these more sustaining foods which take more digesting.  Drink plenty of water, about 8 glasses a day, but best to check your wee to see if it is clear for a true guide. 

Example Day

-Wake up and drink warm water with lemon juice and ginger.

-Wheatgrass or Spirulina Powder mixed with water.

-Psyllium husk shake (available from health food stores/mix with water to cleanse colon)

-Breakfast: Fresh Fruits and Quinoa porridge (quinoa is a grain high in protein) and a green smoothie.

-MId morning: Some soaked raw nuts that have been sitting in water for over 8 hours or a nut spread such as peanut/pumpkin/sunflower on spelt crackers (all available in health food stores)

-Psyllium husk shake

-Lunch: Large salad with as many different colours as you can possibly get in.  Tomatoes, carrots, peppers, mushrooms, if it grows, chuck it in.  As a dressing mix organic apple cider vinegar with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt and pepper. 

Mid afternoon: homemade guacamole (recipes online) with carrot and cucumber sticks.

-Psyllium Husk Shake

-Dinner: Another MASSIVE salad full of wonderful stuff.  Mix through some brown rice and sprouted mung beans for a power punch.  Another great dressing is Tahini, a pinch of salt, a squeeze of lemon and a dash of water all whizzed in the blender: creamy and delicious.


-Spicy Lentil Soup

Ok, so this is going to give someone on a regular western diet a massive cleanse already!  Those of you who eat simple white carbs like white bread and rice, pastires and cakes.  Those partial to daily coffee and sweet teas and certainly those who drink alcohol regularly will get a massive cleanse from doing this sort of diet for a week.

To take if further after a couple of days with this diet go raw completely and see how you feel at the end of the week!  Amazing I can assure you.  Go to this site for ideas:

So if you don't have time to even think about a full detox, you can at least give your body a rest and a re-boot.  It will use all those nutrients to repair, rebuild, strengthen and protect your body for the colder months ahead.  Then you may even find you keep some of these good habits and carry them through the season.

If you have any questions regarding where to get any of these ingredients or get meal ideas, just send me a message or email, I will be be happy to help!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

How can I take care of my liver?

An indulgent lifestyle? We all know it is bad for our livers, but we seem invincible, our bodies appear to cope and recover?  I used to think so too, but as I have moved away from my old lifestyle and refined my diet and thoughts about health my feeling have changed massively.  Do we really understand the effect the poisons we use regularly are having on our bodies and our long term health?  I fear not.

Our liver is responsible for controlling the toxic load our body faces.  Each day it is desperately trying to clean our tissues and blood of:

-Pharmaceutical Medications
-Saturated Fat
-Chemical body products
-Cleaning Products
-Normal Body Function by-products

Our liver is our largest internal organ and is responsible for over 500 functions in the body.  It weighs in at around 1.5kg and filters 1.4 litres of blood every minute. On an average day at the office our lovely liver...

-Manufactures amino acids
-Stores and releases glycogen for energy
-purifies blood of bacteria, toxins, parasites, pathogens, unwanted microbes
-Stores fat soluble vitamins
-Produces bile and regulates our metabolism

This handful of functions out of the 500 are already impressive and are basically responsible for our energy levels, our immune function, our hormone levels, our mood, our weight, our sex drive and our ability to cope with life. 

With this in mind, a healthy liver is something we desperately need if we are to survive in this complicated world, blimey, we have enough to deal with, without having to struggle with the symptoms of an overworked liver.

I urge you to LOVE YOUR LIVER!

Give it:

-Plenty of water
-A 51% raw diet which stands a chance of giving it the nutrients it needs to perform
-Time off from drinking and smoking if you possibly can
-Green Leafy Vegetables
-Dandelion and Artichoke supplements or tinctures
-Raw Cabbage
-A Hulda Clark Liver Flush
-LOVE and kindness
-A gentle massage before bed with rhythmic motions

Phew. Yeah.  So there are some things you can do, to at least support your wonderful, fantastic, once in a lifetime liver.

Be kind to it, and if you are going to abuse it, at least make up for it in between with the right foods and some tender, loving care.

Josie Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How do I know if I have parasites?

This is a topic which has recently been brought to my attention from a number of sources.  I have a friend who passed handfuls of ascari (roundworms) in her home enema after a water fast and the new detox centre I am working at has a big emphasis on parasite cleansing and offers great informative workshops on the subject.

So, it is only fair to share...and it might just save your life...

A parasite is an organism that is dependent on a host.  It lives within, or on, humans and animals, feeding from their cells, their energy and the food they eat to survive.

There are thousands of different strands and sizes of these organisms ranging from microscopic protozoa to 60ft long tape worms (largest found inside a human).  Protozoa can be transferred to you via vectors such as mosquito's.  Malaria is an example of a protozoa transferred in this way and is responsible for killing a child every 30 seconds!  More common varieties are pin worms which most of us picked up as a child at some point, they cause an itchy bottom and spread really easily to people we work or live with.

Whatever the size of the parasite they all do the same thing; feed on us and infect us.

We can catch parasites in many ways, the most common being ingestion.  Contaminated food, water or dirty fingers making contact with our mouths is the most likely situation.  However, kissing, oral sex, swimming in pools, shaking a hand, stroking animals or walking barefoot also puts you at risk. 

Symptoms experienced to the host can be wide ranging with anything from headaches to IBS being caused by parasites in the body.  More serious conditions can be as severe as epilepsy or strokes in cases where parasites have made their way into the brain. Many complimentary health practitioners believe that parasites are to blame for a host of common ailments that go undiagnosed as well as a lot of unexplained deaths!

This can seem a little scary and when I started to hear more on this topic I became fearful of touching anything.  But, the good news is there are ways to cleanse your body of parasites and some very simple natural herbs are the most effective treatment available.

If you suspect you may have parasites in your body do the relative research and be aware that your doctor can only test for 5% of known parasites.  A good herbal parasite cleanse and electronic parasite zapping can be an excellent way of removing parasites from the body, but this must be continued for a full month to make sure you destroy all stages of the parasite, including all the eggs.  The detox centre I am working at uses the approach of Dr Hulda Clark.  I include information below and the link if you would like to find out more.

Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree - juglans nigra)
was used by the Indians of America as an anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal remedy. Its active ingredients are juglone, tannin and iodine
Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub - artemisia absinthum)
Its known for its vermicidal properties and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. It increases the acidity of the stomach and the production of bile. It reduced bloatiness and 
Common Cloves (from the clove tree - eugenia caryophyllata)
has anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It also removes pain

These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment.

So, if you think you may be at risk of hosting some kind of parasite?

-Try this simple herbal approach. 

-Eating lots of raw garlic and onion is also a great way to eliminate them (although this may not sound like the most socially acceptable approach) and it really works. 

-They love sugar so limit your intake of sugar and simple carbohydrates.

-Wash your hands regularly and avoid putting things in your mouth if you don't know where they have been.

-Avoid rare meat and fish if you are not sure it has been stored correctly and iced as soon as it was caught.

-Wash fruit and vegetables really, really well before eating them, especially when raw.

-Keep an eye out for common symptoms such as itchy bottom or nose, weight loss or gain or abdominal discomfort.

Finally, don't panic, not all parasites will get out of control, we can live happily alongside a few of them.  Be aware, be prepared and never let symptoms go unchecked.

Josie :)

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

How can I be happy?

Experience can not be gathered all in one place.  To be truly happy I think you have to try a few things out and discover what happiness feels like, uncover what unhappiness feels like and find a happy medium that makes you feel content.

Happiness to me is accepting that you cannot always be happy, it is allowing yourself space to be thouroughly unhappy once in a while.  I think that once you realise that all emotions come and go, that every situation that troubles you will dissolve with time and that whatever happens you are always going to be ok, then you can find a nice place where you feel happy in the now.

I have a few friends who trouble themselves over finding out what they want to do with their lives, finding a passion that makes them 'happy'.  This is a really tricky one which can seem hard to tackle.  My advice is to stop focusing on the goal and start with something, anything, to make a change.  By staying in one place wondering about other places, there is no room to grow and flow.  By putting a foot forward in any direction, you are sending out the message that you want to move somewhere, and with that one step will come new opportunities and experiences that could prove to be just what you are looking for.

Happiness in relationships is sometimes about accepting that relationships alone cannot make you happy.  We often put too much pressure on relationships to be perfect when of course it is impossible for them to be even close to that.  We judge ourselves harshly as partners and judge our partners harshly if they do not meet our expectations.  Accepting our differences and finding fulfillment in all areas of our life, not just our relationships, often gives them a new lease of life. 

This works the same way with friends, one friend cannot be everything, each friend will have different strengths for you to draw on, and equally they will have weaknesses.  Love them for both and draw on different friends at different times depending on your needs.  Balance is the key to happy friendships.

This may all seem rather cryptic and strange, finding happiness exactly where it is not.  But I believe, and you dont need to agree of course, that it is by accepting life as it is, totally imperfect, it becomes perfect.  Its imperfection can be marvelled at and laughed at and embraced.  We never know what is around the corner, so to enjoy where we are is the best bet we have at being content, even if where we are feels a little bland and boring.  After all, out of the darkness always comes light and why not enjoy the process?

If you want to be extra happy, come and do a detox in Koh Samui, I can guarentee it will leave you with a glowing new light inside, ready to take on the world...I will be there if you need me!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Five First Steps to Living Better

People often ask me...

-How they can feel better? 
-What they should do to be healthier? 
-How they should start on the road to being brighter, slimmer and more vital?

It is not realistic to do everything and suddenly be perfect; far too much effort, probably a bit depressing and potentially disastrous. 

I have put together my five top tips for getting on the road to feeling how you are supposed to feel.

1. Green Smoothies.

I cannot sing the praises of green smoothies enough.  They truly are the best choice you can make.  They are the most readily absorbed way of getting a wonderful blend of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and fibre in one delicious gulp.  Every cell of your body will be singing with delight if you have a green smoothie once or twice a day.

2. Raw Foods.

Raw food is such an effective way of getting live enzymes and fresh vital vitamins into your body.  Salads, snacks or elaborate raw recipes, all do a tremendous amount of good.  Add some raw food to your day and enjoy the result.  With raw foods you find the more you eat, the better you feel and as a result, the more you crave (this is the only way it is similar to vodka jelly).

3.  Superfood Powder Support.

Superfoods are a bit of a buzz these days and that is because we have such busy lifestyles that anything that takes time puts us off.  Superfood powders are a very do-able, fast way of getting a fast injection of nutrients into the body.  We should try not to depend on these for all our nutritional needs, but they are a great way to support a hectic lifestyle where optimal nutrition is harder to acquire.

4. Fermented foods and pro-biotics.

We often hear about 'pro' and 'pre' biotics and there is definitely a place for them in a good nutritional profile.  Our digestive systems rely on a good balance of bacteria to function effectively and absorb nutrients efficiently.  So natural pro-biotics such as sauerkraut, live yoghurt regularly, or a supplement if your digestive system feels a little out of balance, is a great idea.

5. Juicing.

This is a commitment, but it is one worth making.  Once you have the system in place it can just be part of your daily routine - one that will make your body scream with thanks.  An instant injection of nutrients and enzymes to support and nourish your body through tough times.

Try these tips as a stepping stone to feeling brighter!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to sustain your energy levels throughout the day...

An average day for most of us is pretty hectic, bustling here and there and everywhere, including getting to and from work.  We often wake up with an alarm before our body is ready and drag it around all morning.  We then push it midday onwards and flop aimlessly when we get home.  We spurt back and forth from pushing and flopping and rarely have a balanced settled day unless it is a day off (and then we usually push ourselves to have as much fun as possible in this window of freedom, only to return to work flopping even further). Ok, you know what I mean. 

So the question is... how do we support our bodies through these highs and lows? And perhaps an even bigger question is... are our highs and lows created by our diet rather than our schedule?

Blood sugar changes throughout the day and the type of food we eat as well as the times and conditions in which we eat it make a massive impact on the way our body uses the energy in our food. 

My five top tips to keep your blood sugar stable...

1. Choose complex carbs which are slowly released into the system rather than simple refined carbs which will give you a sudden high followed by a sudden low, leading to food cravings and sugar rushes (

2. Eat good fat foods such as nuts which are loaded with protein.  They are high in energy and release slowly (

3. Moderate your meals, having snacks throughout the day and never leave too long without eating.  Try to get a good breakfast with slow release carbohydrates that will keep you going all morning.  Snack on bananas and nuts if you feel an energy slump mid morning (

4. Raw Food is a great way to take away cravings for empty foods like bread and cake.  Try to snack on raw fruit and vegetables as often as possible to cut those useless cravings (

5. Drink plenty of water.  Staying well hydrated is so important to keep your brain sharp and your energy levels up, keep a bottle with you at all times (

So, do you think it is your schedule or your diet making your life rollercoaster each day?  Work out which one it is and try and address it to create a little more balance in your life.  After all, we only get one body in this lifetime and it would be a shame to wear it out too soon if we can avoid it.

Good Luck


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is brown better than white?

When you make a choice in the supermarket between white or wholemeal products it would help to know why the choice you make is so crucial to your body's happiness.  White Tiger Loaf or Whole seed and grain? Brown Rice or White Basmati? White Flour or Wholewheat Spelt?  Wholemeal Shell Pasta or Pretty White Bows?

Boggling choices.

When you take a wholegrain you have the complete complex form of the grain, for example a wheat kernel.  The outer brown layer contains all the minerals and nutrients and the centre is less nutrient dense and more easily ground down. 

When you pick a wholegrain version of a product you are choosing an option with more fibre, more nutrients and a slower burning carbohydrate (complex carb).  The whole seed is ground down and this is released into the body as glucose much more slowly and steadily. 

If you pick a white refined product you are choosing a fast burning, nutrient depleted, fibre poor version (simple carb).  The brown nutritious coating has been ground away.  This will be converted into glucose quickly, used quickly and leave you wanting more.  This leads to over eating, nutrient depletion and stored body fat in the form of glycogen.

So, it makes sense to pick the lovely wholegrain version.

Grains such as millet, quinoa (pronounced keen-wah), spelt and amaranth make for a nutrient rich blast that will keep you going longer and fill you with strength, so keep your eye out for these.  If you are wheat intolerant these versions can be nice alternatives for you.

Just to complicate matters it is worth noting that not all wholegrain options are good quality, always check the label and choose something as natural as possible.  Some brown versions are coloured with molasses and certain labelling can be deceiving.  Make sure you are choosing 'Wholegrain' or 'Wholewheat' on the label, 'Wheat flour' is not the same. 

It is also worth bearing in mind that some natural simple carbohydrates are good for you, such as fruit.  It is the refined ones which have no positive effect on the body other than an empty high and often have hidden fats and sugars to add insult to injury.  I personally think that diets which tell you to limit fruit due to their high sugar content are avoiding the real problem, which is too much refined food and not enough fresh fruit and vegetables.  Please don't stop eating bananas because they are full of sugar and carbohydrates, I hate to hear that.  Moderation is key with plenty of fresh produce, a balance of good fats ( and let's not forget...exercise.

Agh, so much to think about?  I know, but be reassured that there are so many ways to feel better and brighter!  Make the best choice you can, as often as you can.

Questions welcome.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Which teas are good for you?

I am a tea lover.  Actually, I am a tea worshipper.  There is never a bad time for tea.  Can you tell I am English?

But, I am a Brit with a difference, because I am not going to be talking about a milk and two sugars cup.  I want to suggest you try some herbal teas, speciality teas and herbal infusions in your day.

I totally understand that herbal tea can feel boring at first, especially when you first make the transition and are used to a sweet, milky brew. However, as you drink more of it and allow your body to adjust to this new tea experience, you may find that it is better than you think.  Occasionally I will have a normal English Breakfast tea at a friends house when there is nothing else around and I still enjoy it (and it would be rude not to).  But, if I am at home I always have a wonderful selection of infusions that make a decision hard and every teatime different.

We are all told caffeine makes tea bad and this is true if you drink too much of it, because it mimics the stress response and unsettles our day and night.  However, small amounts in green tea and other varieties is ok and some caffeine free teas and herbal infusions are so fantastically good for you that we should drink them in abundance.

I am not suggesting you never have your normal tea, that would upset too many people.  But I do encourage you to mix and match your tea throughout the day so you get a variety of healing benefits and calming, cleansing reactions.

Here are my top five Teas/Infusions

1. Tulsi Tea: Holy Basil Tea

2. Yogi Tea/Bright Mood Tea

3. Fresh Peppermint from the Garden

4. Fennel from the Garden

5. Dr Stuarts/Detox Tea

Try some new teas today and eventually you will find a herbal tea that makes you go, mmmmm.  Or, if you think it all tastes like pond water, try fresh ginger in hot water.




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Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is synchronicity?

Sometimes we get lent a random book which answers our question, bump into someone on the street who changes our future or an opportunity appears, sent at the perfect time.  Synchronicity of events is something that can feel so mystical, magical and sometimes terrifyingly succinct.  So, what is it all about?  Why does it happen? can we get more of it?  

Synchronicity is the link between people and events that occur together in a way which makes them seem strangely connected.  It goes a lot deeper than this and there are lots of very clever people who can explain it in a way that loses me rather fast.  There are also a lot of scientists who think it is a ridiculous notion, but I usually love things scientists think are silly, which is why my brother and I bang heads sometimes.

What is it?

Some people think that synchronicity is just coincidence, but I like to think that it has more meaning than this.  It refers to events that happen together or because of one another that are uncannily linked in a way that makes you think, hmmmmm? Interesting! 

I believe that people, for example, come into our lives for a reason and often bring us a lesson or a message that we learn and, hopefully,  receive before they leave our life again. In some situations they hang around forever.  When you look at life as one big magical journey with lessons to learn and people to connect with, it becomes so much more exciting and interesting.

Occasionally I will find myself in a conversation with a stranger at a shop or at work, or...anywhere knowing me!  I often find that something in our lives at this point is interestingly similar, or they have some information on my situation that shifts my perspective on it.  Sometimes they actually know someone that may have an opportunity for me, or perhaps I help them in some way.  Sometimes small connections like this can have a startling effect on how we approach something we are doing in our life or send it on a new course entirely.  This is what I call synchronicity, people and things, messages and thoughts, coming at times that are so wonderfully in line that the results of them are profound and exciting.

Why Does it Happen?

I reckon we all have a path in life, a higgildy piggildy one which changes and turns and leads us in all sorts of directions, furthering ourselves and helping each other.  I believe synchronicity exists to give us nudges and winks as to which way to go next.  It reminds us that there is possibly something greater at work which is in someway helping us move forward with prompts, reminders and planted ideas.

I like to think that these linked events are beautifully designed in a way that makes us believe that anything is possible and baffles us into believing that miracles can happen.  Sometimes events seem to fall into place so impossibly that you sit back and think, wow, you couldn't write this!  It is often only when you look back on a year of your life that you realise how small events have created massive changes or strange repetitions have occurred.

How do we get more of it?

I think the best way to allow more positive synchronicity into your life is to open your mind to it and play around with the idea that perhaps there is a wonderfully helpful pattern occurring around us.  Sometimes awareness and belief and the hope that something positive and fantastic is at our fingertips is enough to make magic happen in our lives.  Sometimes when you think there is no way out of a situation, a book, person or job falls in your path and presents a whole new perspective or option that was not there before.

Of course I can see this all looks a bit mad and new age, but I cannot help but like the idea.  It does not feel like blind faith in something that makes life manageable, it feels like accepting the posibility of a link in lifes tapestry.  Some people believe in fate, others believe we make our own luck.  I think it is a wonderful mixture.

When I was in Bali with my friend Nick we met a man called Fred who was on holiday with his wife Judy.  We talked to this unbelievably negative man for some time and he told us repeatedly, that 'Life is a choice of problems'.  Sometimes being open to wonderful things happening is all it takes for wonderful things to happen.  I do worry about Fred, but mostly about Judy.

Have a think about things that have happened in your life that are linked in a wonderful way.  Be open to it happening and pay attention to people and things around you, they might just be the missing link to something new, but only if you let them. 

Over and Out.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Make Salads Sensational...

Some people think of salad as rabbit food, a hideous combination of lettuce and cucumber that they leave on the side of the plate.  

But wait, do not cast it aside too soon, salad can be a truly wonderful taste sensation if you are willing to put in a bit of effort and experiment.  Here are my top five tips for making a super salad this summer.

1. Vary the Leaves, including herbs!

So often we reach for a gem lettuce or an iceberg and the plate looks dull already.  Try a mixed bag of leaves or even better grow your own.  Choosing a combination of colours and textures will not only create a varied taste, but will add to the salad experience.   Choosing rocket and peppery leaves with more flavour will instantly lift the salad to the next level.  Herbs such as parsley, marjoram, coriander or mint will also give it extra depth.

2. Nuts and Seeds.

This is a great way to add good fat and healthy oil as well as adding texture.  Try to choose raw seeds such as sunflower or pumpkin.  These are also good sources of zinc and magnesium, which we are often deficient in.  Experiment with any seeds and grind them into the dressing if you prefer it without the whole seed.

3. Get the dressing right.

It is better not to use thick creamy sauces made with cream or mayonnaise that you often get in jars.  Experiment with olive oil or cold pressed flax seed oil, apple cider vinegar, raw garlic, crushed seeds, chopped herbs... I tend to do all sorts of combinations and some work and some don't.  It really depends on the texture and taste you prefer.  My favourite at the moment is a crushed clove of raw garlic, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and a spoon of cold pressed olive oil.  Simple but great.

4. Chop, chop, chop away.

If you chop a salad finely, it not only gets more flavour per mouthful, but you can eat more of it.  It is more dense, more textured and more full of yummy tastes.  Simply chop it all really finely and cube all bits you put on the top and give it a good shake, coating the whole salad with the dressing.  It makes all the difference.

5. Colour!

Choose as many different colours of vegetables, leaves and fruit you like.  The more colour, the more phytonutrients.  You want to get as much variety as possible to get a full spectrum of wonderful nutrients which actually work to help each other absorb and get utilised by the body.  Sprout your own seeds and add these to the mix for a really crunchy colourful array.

You really cannot eat enough salad, it is so wonderful for you.  You can add goats cheese, organic meats, or plenty of extra sprouts if you are a veggie.

I must encourage you to go as organic as possible with salad, unfortunately as they are high in water content they are prone to storing chemicals if grown with them.  Wash any salad that is not organic really really well.

Post any recipes you recommend here.

Happy chewing.


Monday, July 11, 2011

The Amazing Menstrual Cycle...

Oh god, here I go again, talking about things that you would rather not hear about. 

Periods  Yes, really.

Rather than talking about 'periods' as a time of the month where a woman menstruates, I am talking about the whole cycle of change a woman experiences each month.  I am not suggesting all women experience, or are aware of, extreme changes in their mood.  I just wish to highlight the cyclic nature a women has available to her, if she wishes to discover it.

I used to think that women who made a fuss about their periods were silly and it was an excuse to be grumpy and miserable.  However, over the years as I have observed my own nature and that of the women around me I have developed a deeper respect for the profound changes a woman experiences in the month.  I realise that at different times in her life and her year, she will experience shifts in her cycle and its effects on her will also
change.  Diet, climate and stress levels will all have a profound effect on hormones and therefore on a woman's experience of life each month.

Women are cyclic in nature, like the rhythm of the moon their bodies change and adapt throughout the month.  With these hormonal changes come disruptions in their mood, changes in their opinions, style and massive shifts in their sexual needs and desires.  How could anyone keep up when she can't keep up with herself?

It is a shame that associations of the cycle always focus on the troubled stage before menstruation, although it is often the stage other people notice.  It is important for women to be more gentle with themselves at this stage and not to push themselves into social situations or heavy work schedules that could end in tears, however at other times in the month she is radiant and powerful and ready for anything.

I often feel sorry for men as they try to decipher the complexities of a woman's mood and needs without realising what she wants today is not what she will want next week, or maybe the next hour! 

I am not just talking about bad moods and tantrums here, I am talking about creative energy, abundant physical energy, insightful thoughts, empathy, compassion and inspiration.  There are times of the month when all of these wonderful attributes will be greater and stronger and with an understanding of when these times will be, she can harness them and put them to good use.

At work yesterday a female staff member began to cry all of a sudden at something seemingly small, the confused male waiter said to me angrily,   'I don't think a man is any different to a woman, we must keep our emotions quiet at work and get on with our jobs.  It is not my job to understand why she is crying.'  Oh dear I thought, that is either a very confused or lonely life you are embarking on good sir, for women are going to keep surprising you like this.  You must at least try to understand if you want to remain intact.

I am not suggesting here that all women cry each month, far from it, we live in feminist times and of course we are all( hopefully) more equal in work and play.  However, our essential differences can get lost in these forced equalities.  I like to think that our differences are complimentary and equality in found in these differences.

I have recently started studying to be a 'Red Moon Trainer' and will be ready to give workshops and individual sessions with women, helping them harness their energies each month and understand themselves and each other more fully.  It is not about changing your life to suit your cycle, but being aware of how you interact with your life at difference stages of the cycle.  Miranda Gray has written books on this topic including 'Red Mood' and is currently training Red Mood Facilitators across the world (

If you are a woman interested in charting your cycle email me and I will send you a moon dial.  I promise you will be fascinated at how you change.  If you are a man, I hope this was interesting and if you want to suggest it to your friend or partner, make sure it is not at the wrong time! ;)  In miranda's book 'Optimised woman' she has a chapter for men on how to work around your lady's cycle and be aware of how it might and effect her and!

Women who suffer from serious PMT (pre menstrual tension) can make massive changes by addressing their diet.  I will post on this topic at a later date.

Opinions very welcome!

Over and Out.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Digestive System: Our Health Epicentre.

Digestive wellness is a topic which makes most people withdraw from conversation. 
However eating out, cooking food and celebrating how much we enjoy it is a regular discussion.  So why is it, as soon as we consider how it travels through the body and (dare I say it) "how it comes out", we avoid the matter all together?  It is understandably horrible to talk about poo I suppose, so I will try not to do that too much in this post. 

Our digestive tract is the centre of our energy system, it is where we process all the nutrients we consume and it is from here they get transported around the body.  How well these nutrients are absorbed and converted is all dependent on the health of our digestive tract and it's functionality is dependant mostly on the food we eat and the manner in which we eat it.  

If our digestive health is askew, we will find it impossible to absorb nutrients, convert them and utilise them efficiently.  This will create a complete breakdown in the chemical communication and complex synchronisation that occurs in our body's cells.

Digestive function is therefore a huge factor in improving ill health and often the primary cause of many diseases.  Believe it or not, malnutrition is a huge problem in the West.  It is ironic that when we have so much access to food, we still manage to get it wrong.  It is of course, not because we don't eat enough food, but because we eat too much of the wrong food.

Wrong food/Portion/stress = Digestive Problems = Low absorbtion = Malnutrition = Disease

So, how do you know if your digestive system is on good form?

Most people think that if they go to the toilet once a day then things are looking good.  However, optimal digestion would mean going to the toilet two or even three times a day.  These bowel movements should feel easy, fast and complete.  Your ...POO...should be...ok I won't go there...but if it is black and sinks then that is not entirely cool.  I am not going to do a Gillian-get-my-gloves-ready McKeith on you.  But light and floaty is better. Oh dear, I know.

If you suffer from bloating, belching, over fullness, fatigue or dis-ease after eating it is likely you are putting too much load on your system or are eating the wrong things for your body.  Your digestive system is struggling and has developed an imbalance which needs addressing.

Ten Tips to get your digestive system healthy again.

1. Drink plenty of water and have a good amount of fibre in your diet.  

2. Start eating more raw foods

3. Avoid processed refined foods

4. Take psyllium husk with water if you suffer from constipation  

5. Start the day with a cup of warm water with lemon juice
6. Chew slowly and properly

7. Stop eating when you are full

9. Consider pro-biotics or digestive enzymes

10. Drink a Green Smoothie everyday!

Good Luck getting back in balance and feel free to email me any questions.

Josie :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stress: How to Protect yourself

Everyone keeps telling me they are feeling stressed. Let's kick it.

I believe that so many diseases and illnesses could be eliminated by the removal of stress from our lives.  The problem is, it is almost impossible to do that these days, so the best thing we can do is support our bodies during stressful periods with the right foods and as much rest as we can muster.

When our bodies are stressed all of their functions start to adapt, our nervous system changes its priorities.  Digestion, renewal and restoration go out the window; our body is fighting something much more powerful (the queue in Tesco).  All our nutrients are sucked out of their storage spaces (they were being saved for something worthwhile) and leached into our panicky body to try and help it survive this ordeal (the train you are about to miss).

When we are in a constant state of procrastination or in adrenaline producing stressful scenarios all day, it takes a massive toll on our body.  Our immune system is depleted, wounds heal slower, we age more quickly, we are prone to stomach upsets and osteoporosis, eventually our life expectancy is reduced.  

But, do not panic all is not lost...yet!  Your body may be stressed, but there are tools at your fingertips and ways to support your body to keep it strong during these periods.

Here are my Top Ten Tips:

1. Breathe: Take a deep breath in now, fill your lungs and then slowly breathe out.  Do this as often as you remember.  We need oxygen to support us during times of stress and it calms our nervous system to slow our breathing.

2.  Super Food Powders: When we are stressed we are often short of time.  Super food powders like spirulina are a great way to give us a quick fix, a supreme nutrient boost!

3. Water:  If we are stressed we are producing more acid and our body is a toxic environment, drinking plenty of water will help to flush and cleanse our body and make sure we eliminate all toxic waste faster!

4. Meditation: Taking time to reflect and draw your attention inwards is a great way to centre yourself and gain perspective on what really counts.  Join a group or find a CD with guided really works.

5. Avoid Caffeine:  Everybody hates to hear this as we love tea and coffee, especially when we are short of sleep. But, caffeine mimics the stress response, this is clearly a terrible idea.

6. Almonds: These tasty nuts are high in magnesium which is really important in supporting our adrenal glands.  If we are low in magnesium, we are more prone to feeling anxious.

7. Brown Rice:  This is a slow release carbohydrate that will keep your sugar levels regulated and sustain your body.  It is also associated with releasing serotonin, our feel good chemical.

8. A good Multivitamin: When we are stressed it is harder to focus on our diet all day and we don't always get the nutrients we need. A good quality multivitamin is a good way to ensure you are getting some extra support.

9. Chamomile Tea:  This a great drink if you are feeling stressed as it helps to relieve the symptoms.  It is also a great evening drink if you are having trouble sleeping due to stress.

10.  Don't be too hard on yourself: Life is short and we spend so much of it beating ourselves up for not performing or achieving.  We are human-beings not take time to do what you feel like and forget about what you should be doing once in a while :)

Keep Calm and Carry On.
