Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How can I breathe more deeply?

This may sound like the most obvious of all instructions, but breathing properly is one of the most useful skills you can develop.  I am not suggesting that you have forgotten how to breathe in and out of course, but perhaps you have forgottent to take the time to breathe deeply and fully?

Oxygen is vital for life, it allows nutrients to be transported by the body and literally breathes life into us.  Despite this, most of us breathe just enough to stay alive and this is one of the most common reasons people experience fatigue and brain fog.  Our brain needs oxygen to be alert and vital and if we are not breathing deeply enough we will feel sluggish, irritable, anxious, depressed and lacking in vital nutrients.

So, how do we ensure that our breathing is sufficient?  The respiratory system is a muscular network which needs strengthening and stretching in the same way as the rest of our body.  The best way to increase our breathing capacity and absorb more oxygen is to practice deep breathing on a regular basis.

Here is a simple example to get you started:

Breathing Exercise - 5 Minutes

This can be done before bed or first thing in the morning before you get out of bed.  When you breathe in feel your belly extending and allow your shoulders to remain relaxed.  Get used to this way of breathing which allows your diaphragm to fully extend.  When you exhale pull your stomach in tightly to completely contract your diaphragm and release all wastes and toxins from your system.

1. Breathe in for the count of four.
2. Hold that breath for the count of two.
3. Breathe out for the count of four.
3. Hold that breath for the count of two.
4. Breath in for the count of four.

Repeat this pattern for the full five minutes, when you hold the breath imagine you are simply pausing and not struggling.  If you find the pattern challenging then simply breathe in and out for the count of two and only hold for one count.  The purpose is to take as much breath in and out of your body as you can, increasing your focus, breathing and creating a feeling of relaxation and calm.

Good Luck!

Friday, December 21, 2012

How to Avoid the Christmas Flu...

It is inevitable that at Christmas time we eat a little more than usual and start to choose things which are a little more indulgent.  It is also usual to start using the excuse of, 'Well it is Christmas', and this begins a steady decline of our nutritional status until we fall sick in the new year.

I am not suggesting we stop drinking and eating our favourite treats at this festive time, but perhaps you can add some things which will support your body through this unavoidably indulgent time.

1. Take a good quality multivitamin.

2. Boost yourself with extra vitamin C loaded foods e.g oranges, kiwi fruit.

3. Take a superfood powder such as Spirulina or a combined powder such as Amazing Grass Powder.  www.amazinggrass.com

4. Drink lots of water when you drink alcohol.  This is the only way to help your body through the ordeal of alcohol which it deals with like a poison.  A little is fine, but if you are drinking a lot then make sure you drink plenty of water or your liver will take a serious beating.

5. Sleep. Fun is fabulous but we also need to use the holiday time to rest.  Make sure you are having nice long lie ins and if you have kids, then try to get early nights instead!

To find out more about taking care of your lovely liver, read this blog on how to heal and protect it: http://therealfoodcoach.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/love-your-liver.html

Have Fun!

Josie Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)