Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Much Water Should I drink?

We are made up of about 60-70% water and our brains, amazingly, are about 80% water. It makes sense to keep our bodies topped up so that they function effectively. 

Water is necessary to transport nutrients around the body; if you are dehydrated your body cannot function effectively and extract what it needs from your food. Water also lubricates your joints and reduces toxic build up and tension in your muscles, think of it like oil in a car. It allows your digestive system to pass things through neatly and efficiently.  It is also responsible for protecting our bodies against illness by keeping all our bodily functions on form.

So, it makes sense that a lack of water can do the opposite. For a start, your immune system may be lacking. You may be prone to depression because lets face it, when you are tired and droopy things don't seem very manageable. The soft tissues in your body may be functioning poorly and may be prone to injury and its likely you will not be absorbing the nutrients from your food effectively.

Ideally quality filtered water is what you want to be drinking, but something is better than nothing and you do have options.

1. Herbal tea (I can hear you groan) is hydrating for the body. Some of them, honestly, taste really good.

2. You can add water to fruit juice to make it more hydrating, 5:1 is the ideal ratio (1 is the juice not the water!) Be aware that 100% fruit juice is not a very hydrating drink as you need a lot of the water content to process the sugar and carbohydrate. 

Sports drinks and 'sugar free' drinks often contain aspartame and other additives so I recommend making your own sports drinks by adding one part natural fruit juice, a small pinch of organic sea salt and four parts filtered water. Salt helps you suck up water into the body's cells and therefore increases fluid absorption. If you want more carbohydrate as you are doing a lot of exercise, just add more juice! It doesn't have to be complicated.


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  1. Great post - I think the problem for most people is that drinking water is pretty boring - we never seem to want to do it of our own accord unless we're severely dehydrated - but even if I just remember to, after drinking a big glass or two I'm always amazed at how much better I feel. It's also a primary cause of headaches - so it's worth noting that for headaches a simple glass of water can be a far more effective (and cheap!) solution than over-the-counter pain relief medicine.

  2. You are very right Nick. People often reach for drugs before they try the most simple natural remedies. If you are thirsty your body is already dehydrated, so sip it throughout the day to remain on top form.
