Sunday, January 2, 2011

'Reiki' How do you even say that word?

I have been practicing reiki (ray-key) for four years now. When I first started I didn't really believe in it myself, I thought it was far-out, perhaps non-existent and most definitely weird. I started doing it as I had a chronic injury that was simply not fixing and someone suggested reiki to me one day.

'Stop paying someone else to fix you Josie, take control, reiki can be done on yourself' said Dean.

(my depleted bank balance and aching back screamed....Yes!)

Anyone who has ever been in pain knows that you will try just about anything to be rid of it...and this desperation flung me in to the path of one of my favourite things, reiki energy. No no no, don't disappear and think I have finally gone insane, this is the good stuff.

I am afraid I am not going to tell you that reiki healed my back pain overnight (although it can in some cases), but it helped me by taking away the fear of it. Anyone who has pain or disease in their body has the power to take control of it and that is what I did. Reiki stopped me being a victim and gave me the emotional strength to get on with my life. Sometimes we have to learn a lesson through the challenge of suffering and we actually come out better at the other end because of it. Therefore, sometimes the greatest tragedy can turn out to be the greatest good, this is what reiki taught me; acceptance, grace and inner peace.

So what is Reiki?

Reiki can be explained in many ways and I choose to describe it in different ways to different people depending on their personality and their belief system. A practical science based individual is not going to connect to an idea I present in a 'new age airy fairy' way and a science based approach can put off the more spiritually minded. The truth is neither explanation is wrong, they are in fact both right in my opinion (just to confuse matters).

Reiki originated in Japan and and was taught by a Buddhist monk called Dr Mikao Usui. Rei-Ki means 'universal life force' and a reiki treatment will channel this life force into someone who needs healing or balancing through the practitioners hands. The practitioner facilitates the energy healing and channels it rather than gives of their own energy. The energy goes where it is needed and the the practitioner is merely a vessel for something much more powerful. Ok, so it is far out when you look at it like this...but...

...when we talk about auras and energy fields people always assume there is something mystical and magical and unbelievable about the whole thing. In reality we are simply energy beings with energy running through us and it makes perfect sense that this energy and heat radiates around us in the form of an 'aura' and out into the world around us. I believe that through reiki we can heal problems in our emotional and physical bodies by balancing and charging our energy.

It makes sense to me that we have energy that runs through us. Our pulse is not our blood creating pressure but a wave of energy that forces our blood forward. This energy originates somewhere, it starts in us all somehow. Why can we not harness more of this energy and use it to channel it into and through others? The tides, the stars, the is all energy surging through our universe, it makes complete sense to me that we have the ability to increase and harness our own energy through connecting to this source.

How to get started.

The brilliant thing about reiki is that anyone can do it. You do not need to be psychic or an intuitive, you do not have to wear a tiara and have crystals dripping from every limb. If you are interested, open and like the idea of using energy to heal yourself and others, that is enough to get started.

I learnt with two teachers and found the second one gave me the excitement and confidence using energy that I have today. Choosing a teacher is a personal thing and it will depend on how you feel around that person and whether their teaching style and energy suit you as to whether they are right. The second teacher? Miranda Gray.

Miranda teaches a specific form of healing she has developed in conjunction with traditional reiki and the blend works miracles. If you live in the UK and are interested in learning reiki get in touch with her for advice and more information.

Reiki offers us a powerful tool to interact with the modern world and still keep in touch with a deeper level of life. It provides us with the support we need to feel strong, to let go of the past, to trust and to open our hearts to others. It helps us to experience well-being by restoring and healing our bodies, mind, emotions and soul.”

My advice is to be open to the idea of reiki even if at first you feel a bit unsure about the whole thing. I was and now I feel so incredibly lucky to work with people giving treatments as part of my job. It is a real gift to see people transform here and reiki is just another way to ease and increase that transformation.

Sending you vibes.


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