Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer...My Five Steps to do it the healthy way!

So, I am back in dear old Blighty and making the best of all the available foods and activities that make being in England great. The summer is approaching and I have resolved to make this one as healthy and full of greatness as possible. 

1. For a start I am going to make use of all the summer fruits as much as possible.  British strawberries in abundance.  I will start by eating all my Mums handpicked punnet and then consider picking my own, it all starts with a thought, no need to rush these things.  Seriously though, summer berries and a handful of spinach make a terrific green smoothie, chuck in a spoonful of flax and some spirulina and you are literally glowing!  Don't forget that the summer is short so freeze, freeze and then freeze some more for summer smoothies all winter (this means pick, pick, and picking too, strong knees?)

2. Bicycle, walking, gliding, however you choose to travel this summer make sure it is a method which allows you to get some fresh air and plenty of Vitamin D from the sunshine.  When I finish work I like to go for a walk outside just to make sure I get my dose of proper clean air and a bit of time away from the world of computers and passwords, televisions and phones. 

3. It is not going to be Pimms and Old Rosy cider for me this year...I know it is horribly irritating that I will be drinking carrot juice and strawberry smoothies instead, but you will just have to get used to the idea.  Festivals and long summer evenings usually spell hangovers and general liver abuse, but for me, this year, it is going to be about doing all those things but without all that alcohol in tow.  It is so intrinsically British to drink a lot and make those long summer nights blur into squint eyed mornings, but I am going to rebel.  Keep your hat on, I didn't said I would never drink again, I just like the idea of not having to. As I read this back I remind myself of all the people I used to cringe at.  Although I have noticed as I get edgingly older I care less what is expected of me and prefer to do what makes me feel good about myself.  Eugh do I sounds awful?  Yes?  Never mind.

4. Herbal Teas...for FREE.  I am loving the fresh teas that are available in the garden.  My current favourite is mint and fennel.  I love that all I have to do is potter down to the garden and pick a few sprigs, pop them in boiling water and within minutes I have a herbal infusion of the most organic and instant variety.  If you like things sweet you can add honey to taste.  If you choose local honey you can also build up your immunity against hay fever.  Need I say more?

5. Ok, this is my favourite...aromatherapy facial spritz.  I just take an empty spray bottle (glass is better but mine is plastic as it was all I had).  Fill the bottle with water and add a few drops of Lavender essential oil and a few drops of Geranium essential oil.  Pop it is the fridge to keep cool and anytime you feel a little stressed or overheated spray your face and neck with this luxurious spritz. Not only does it smell fantastic and cool you down, but it nourishes after the sun and relaxes your nerves after all that stressful sunbathing, or frisbee playing or whatever it is you were doing out there.  Fantastic. 

Any Ideas of your own?  Post them here for others to share :)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My oh my I love these tips! Well you know one of my faves. Fresh cold cucumber straight from the fridge, peeled and laid on your face for a cooling and very plumping face mask treat ; )

  3. YES Zoe, a perfect summer treat for a tired face, follow it with a honey mask for plumping injection facelift action! :)
