Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stress: How to Protect yourself

Everyone keeps telling me they are feeling stressed. Let's kick it.

I believe that so many diseases and illnesses could be eliminated by the removal of stress from our lives.  The problem is, it is almost impossible to do that these days, so the best thing we can do is support our bodies during stressful periods with the right foods and as much rest as we can muster.

When our bodies are stressed all of their functions start to adapt, our nervous system changes its priorities.  Digestion, renewal and restoration go out the window; our body is fighting something much more powerful (the queue in Tesco).  All our nutrients are sucked out of their storage spaces (they were being saved for something worthwhile) and leached into our panicky body to try and help it survive this ordeal (the train you are about to miss).

When we are in a constant state of procrastination or in adrenaline producing stressful scenarios all day, it takes a massive toll on our body.  Our immune system is depleted, wounds heal slower, we age more quickly, we are prone to stomach upsets and osteoporosis, eventually our life expectancy is reduced.  

But, do not panic all is not lost...yet!  Your body may be stressed, but there are tools at your fingertips and ways to support your body to keep it strong during these periods.

Here are my Top Ten Tips:

1. Breathe: Take a deep breath in now, fill your lungs and then slowly breathe out.  Do this as often as you remember.  We need oxygen to support us during times of stress and it calms our nervous system to slow our breathing.

2.  Super Food Powders: When we are stressed we are often short of time.  Super food powders like spirulina are a great way to give us a quick fix, a supreme nutrient boost!

3. Water:  If we are stressed we are producing more acid and our body is a toxic environment, drinking plenty of water will help to flush and cleanse our body and make sure we eliminate all toxic waste faster!

4. Meditation: Taking time to reflect and draw your attention inwards is a great way to centre yourself and gain perspective on what really counts.  Join a group or find a CD with guided really works.

5. Avoid Caffeine:  Everybody hates to hear this as we love tea and coffee, especially when we are short of sleep. But, caffeine mimics the stress response, this is clearly a terrible idea.

6. Almonds: These tasty nuts are high in magnesium which is really important in supporting our adrenal glands.  If we are low in magnesium, we are more prone to feeling anxious.

7. Brown Rice:  This is a slow release carbohydrate that will keep your sugar levels regulated and sustain your body.  It is also associated with releasing serotonin, our feel good chemical.

8. A good Multivitamin: When we are stressed it is harder to focus on our diet all day and we don't always get the nutrients we need. A good quality multivitamin is a good way to ensure you are getting some extra support.

9. Chamomile Tea:  This a great drink if you are feeling stressed as it helps to relieve the symptoms.  It is also a great evening drink if you are having trouble sleeping due to stress.

10.  Don't be too hard on yourself: Life is short and we spend so much of it beating ourselves up for not performing or achieving.  We are human-beings not take time to do what you feel like and forget about what you should be doing once in a while :)

Keep Calm and Carry On.


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