Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to improve skin problems?

If you are suffering with bad skin in the form of spots, rashes or lumps and bumps it is important to think about where the problem is starting.  We all have bad skin from time to time as hormones and lifestyles change over the years, but putting up with skin problems constantly can be exhausting and bad for self esteem.  The skin is something we cannot hide and visible eruptions can be one of the most upsetting problems people experience.

I encourage you to first think about the role of the skin; it is one of our elimination organs. So the question is, what are you eliminating that is aggravating your skin?  The problem is not skin deep.  Topical applications can help to soothe skin but addressing the diet and lifestyle is going to be the most important step in getting your skin looking healthy and glowing again.

Do you...?

1. Eat a lot of high sugar foods? (look at the labels in your cupboard!)

2. Eat a lot of trans fats or hydrogenated fats (crisps, chocolate, cakes, pastries, biscuits, pies)?

3. Eat refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta, cakes/biscuits?

4. Eat foods which have artificial chemicals in them? Read the lablels, if you don't know what it is, don't eat it!

5. Have too many nights out without enough sleep? (or) Trouble sleeping due to stress?

These may be aggravating your skin by putting a strain on your body's elimination systems.  Try to slowly cut them down and replace them with healthy alternatives. 

Help your body detoxify...

1. Increase your intake of fresh vegetables.

2. Drink more water.  Check your urine to make sure it is almost clear about twice a day.

3. Make sure you are getting enough of the essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6 in your diet.

4. Do a detox or at least a colonic hydrotherapy session to try and remove the toxic load on your skin.

5. Try to take time to relax and unwind on your own sometimes.  Stress is a major factor in most health problems.  Learn to meditate and allow your body to heal naturally; it knows how to do it if you give it the time and the nutritional tools!

Good luck and remember that the body can heal itself of anything if you give it a helping hand.

Josie Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)


  1. Right on Josie!! Annabel x

  2. I don't know how accurate this all is.. but it sounds sensible, and makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the help

    1. There is so much advice out there and it can be very confusing and sometimes conflicting. There is nothing to lose and no negative side effects to this approach and the rest of your body's systems will also benefit, so it's certainly worth a shot. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Best of Luck. Josie :)
