Monday, October 1, 2012

Heal your thyroid gland naturally!

Why does the health of your thyroid depend on your digestion? 

Your gut and your liver play an important role in converting the T4 thyroid hormone to the T3 hormone. Look at this simple diagram: it shows you that the pituitary gland (located in your brain) is excreting TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which gives the thyroid a kick and says “Hey thyroid, produce some T4”. The T4 hormone produced by the thyroid is an inactive hormone – this means it does not do much for you.
It is T3 that’s the active hormone –this means this is the very hormone that fuels us and is responsible for our metabolism (hence body fat and energy), brain function (hence depression, anxiety, foggy brain), healthy hair, skin, nails and so much more.
Now, here is a piece doctors do not tell you: you convert T4 (the inactive one) to the active T3 hormones in the gut and the liver.
Did you know that? This means if your gut is not healthy (because your are chronically constipated, gassy and bloated) and your liver is sluggish, which, rest assured, is the case with majority of thyroid patients, it’s no surprise you are depressed, anxious, overweight and fatigued.
Learn how to heal your gut and thyroid with myself and thyroid coach Magdalena here, at

Josie :)

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