Monday, April 15, 2013

How can colonic irrigation help with problem skin?

For those of you who are new to the idea of colonic irrigation, you may also hear it termed ‘colonic’, ‘colema’ or ‘enema’.  All techniques are quite similar but if you visited a therapist to have it done, rather than a DIY job at home, they would usually term it ‘colonic hydrotherapy’.  All methods do the same thing; they allow water to gently enter the body through your bottom and around the colon - this cleans inside and carries out years of hardened waste. 

The large intestine (colon) has a one way valve where it meets the small intestine so the water will never go further than the colon.  The pressure of the water feels like the urgency of needing to go to the toilet RIGHT THIS MINUTE and with practice you can retain the water and allow it to flow further into the colon to cleanse even deeper.  I understand that it may seem very strange, but I can assure you the results are amazing.

If you are suffering from bad skin in the form of spots, rashes, lumps or bumps, it is important to think about where the problem is starting.  We all have bad skin from time to time as hormones and lifestyles change over the years, but putting up with skin problems constantly can be exhausting and bad for self esteem.  The skin is something we cannot hide and visible eruptions can be one of the most upsetting problems people experience.  

The most important factor to remember is the skin is one of our elimination organs.  If what our body is consuming, producing and excreting is toxic?  Our skin will look toxic.
Maintaining a healthy colon can be a great way to help your skin by taking the strain off your liver and releasing the toxic load on your body.  Compacted faecal matter that gathers, as a result of our low fibre and high simple carbohydrate diet, becomes sticky and clings to the wall of the colon.  This hardened matter creates blockages and causes a toxic overload on the liver (which is responsible for cleaning and filtering our blood).  

Our poor lovely liver has SO much to do already because blood which circulates to the liver from our small intestine and colon can be extremely toxic (on top of this we drink alcohol and get exposed to all sorts of pollution which our lovely liver also has to manage).  If our digestive tract is clogged with old rubbish then our body is always full of toxins (waste products) which cannot be detoxified and released (autointoxication).  This may leave us tired and sluggish and very often...spotty!

I can understand that it may repel some people, but if you keep your mind open there really is no space for anything other than magical healing power inside and out.  A healthy digestive tract may produce clear skin, clear thoughts and a lot more energy, so it is definitely worth a try!

Good luck and remember that the body can heal itself of anything if you give it a helping hand.


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