Sunday, June 2, 2013

Why are nuts and seeds a healthy snack?

Not all fat is bad and a lot of it is very good indeed.  The essential fatty acids found in nuts and seeds (as well as the rich vitamins and minerals) are actually very nourishing and supportive to your body. The fats in nuts and seeds are completely natural and full of cellular support.  Our cell membranes are made from a water and lipid (fat) layer.  When they are composed of good healthy fats then cellular function will flourish and nutrients will pass easily over the membranes and stored toxins and old fats will pass out easily.  

If however, the diet is composed of a lot of saturated meat fats and man-handled trans or hydrogenated fats, then the cell walls becomes rigid and the healthy transfer of wastes and nourishing nutrients suffers. This rigidity can actually make losing weight hard, as stored fats cannot find their way out of the cell.  

Therefore snacking on healthy nuts and seeds, as well as oily fish and avocados, can actually help you lose weight and provide valuable protein (keeping you satisfied and provide a source of essential amino acids).  These healthy fats, especially the omega 3 fats found in flax and hemp seeds are anti-inflammatory and may help with joint disorders, skin conditions and support brain function.

So, next time you are wondering what to snack on, a small handful of unsalted, raw nuts and seeds may just hit the spot!  Always mix the nuts and seeds and use as many varieties as you can to give full nutritional support.


Josie Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)

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