Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What is a food intolerance?

First I should clarify that an allergy is an extreme reaction which happens usually within minutes of consuming the food in question and intolerance is the inability to digest that food type effectively.

There are different types of allergies and intolerances and I am more focused here on the subtle ones caused by intolerances that make you feel less than your best, rather than extreme allergic reactions that cause anaphylactic shock or oral allergies like swelling of the lips. If you have an allergy like this it is likely you already know about it and avoid the food that causes it.

However, if you or someone you know has a persistent problem with their body which they are finding hard to diagnose, it is worth getting intolerance advice from a good naturopathic nutritionist or naturopath as it can often be easily remedied. There are new chemicals being put into our foods everyday that some people have strong reactions to. It could be these additives coupled with intolerances to our modern junk diet that are creating chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and obesity.

So, how do you know if you have a problem with a certain food?

1. You can go for allergy/intolerance tests. This is advisable if you have very severe reactions but cannot work out what does it. If you experience severe bloating, rashes, shortness of breath, diarrhea, or frequent nausea it is best to get it checked out with a naturopath who can do the relevant tests to find out what is going on and cut out your problem as fast as possible. You could simply be lactose or wheat intolerant and with a dietary change your problem could be remedied fast.

2. Alternatively if you are suffering from more subtle symptoms that you may not have attributed to your diet yet such as fatigue, bloating after meals, constipation or energy slumps, you can often help yourself.

The best way to do this is to go on a cleansing diet. If you read back to my earlier blogs I was on a raw food diet for a few months. It was only when I did this that I found my in intolerances by accident, I suddenly realised I was free of symptoms that I had not even acknowledged before. Suddenly I could breathe more deeply, had more energy and didn't get bloated. This type of diet strips your body of its cravings and reactions and leaves you with a detoxed body and a click on the reset button. Once you have done that you should be feeling that most of the symptoms have subsided and you can start to add foods back in and test your tolerance of them. It could be wheat or dairy, it could be certain combinations of food, it may even be a specific food additive that is aggravating your condition.

The key here is to be really strict with your diet and add things back one by one while being sensitive to changes in the way you feel after certain foods (reactions can take minutes or a few hours). This process is called an elimination diet and although can feel extreme, is very effective. You should always do relevant research before trying any restrictive diet and make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need during your chosen time period.

Be reassured that if you are feeling low on energy and depressed, a change in your diet could easily pick you up again, and keep you up. Never underestimate the power of food on how you feel emotionally and physically hour to hour and day to day.
The most important thing is to not accept feeling less than your best, it is possible to have abundant energy and feel light, you just need to work out what foods are right for you.


p.s The web page/site below is helpful when clarifying the most common food intolerances and their symptoms. As always, read everything on the Internet with a quizzical eye, get lots of opinions and seek advice from an alternative practitioner in your area (best to go on recommendation).


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