Thursday, October 6, 2011

How can I be happy?

Experience can not be gathered all in one place.  To be truly happy I think you have to try a few things out and discover what happiness feels like, uncover what unhappiness feels like and find a happy medium that makes you feel content.

Happiness to me is accepting that you cannot always be happy, it is allowing yourself space to be thouroughly unhappy once in a while.  I think that once you realise that all emotions come and go, that every situation that troubles you will dissolve with time and that whatever happens you are always going to be ok, then you can find a nice place where you feel happy in the now.

I have a few friends who trouble themselves over finding out what they want to do with their lives, finding a passion that makes them 'happy'.  This is a really tricky one which can seem hard to tackle.  My advice is to stop focusing on the goal and start with something, anything, to make a change.  By staying in one place wondering about other places, there is no room to grow and flow.  By putting a foot forward in any direction, you are sending out the message that you want to move somewhere, and with that one step will come new opportunities and experiences that could prove to be just what you are looking for.

Happiness in relationships is sometimes about accepting that relationships alone cannot make you happy.  We often put too much pressure on relationships to be perfect when of course it is impossible for them to be even close to that.  We judge ourselves harshly as partners and judge our partners harshly if they do not meet our expectations.  Accepting our differences and finding fulfillment in all areas of our life, not just our relationships, often gives them a new lease of life. 

This works the same way with friends, one friend cannot be everything, each friend will have different strengths for you to draw on, and equally they will have weaknesses.  Love them for both and draw on different friends at different times depending on your needs.  Balance is the key to happy friendships.

This may all seem rather cryptic and strange, finding happiness exactly where it is not.  But I believe, and you dont need to agree of course, that it is by accepting life as it is, totally imperfect, it becomes perfect.  Its imperfection can be marvelled at and laughed at and embraced.  We never know what is around the corner, so to enjoy where we are is the best bet we have at being content, even if where we are feels a little bland and boring.  After all, out of the darkness always comes light and why not enjoy the process?

If you want to be extra happy, come and do a detox in Koh Samui, I can guarentee it will leave you with a glowing new light inside, ready to take on the world...I will be there if you need me!

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