Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Five First Steps to Living Better

People often ask me...

-How they can feel better? 
-What they should do to be healthier? 
-How they should start on the road to being brighter, slimmer and more vital?

It is not realistic to do everything and suddenly be perfect; far too much effort, probably a bit depressing and potentially disastrous. 

I have put together my five top tips for getting on the road to feeling how you are supposed to feel.

1. Green Smoothies.

I cannot sing the praises of green smoothies enough.  They truly are the best choice you can make.  They are the most readily absorbed way of getting a wonderful blend of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and fibre in one delicious gulp.  Every cell of your body will be singing with delight if you have a green smoothie once or twice a day.

2. Raw Foods.

Raw food is such an effective way of getting live enzymes and fresh vital vitamins into your body.  Salads, snacks or elaborate raw recipes, all do a tremendous amount of good.  Add some raw food to your day and enjoy the result.  With raw foods you find the more you eat, the better you feel and as a result, the more you crave (this is the only way it is similar to vodka jelly).

3.  Superfood Powder Support.

Superfoods are a bit of a buzz these days and that is because we have such busy lifestyles that anything that takes time puts us off.  Superfood powders are a very do-able, fast way of getting a fast injection of nutrients into the body.  We should try not to depend on these for all our nutritional needs, but they are a great way to support a hectic lifestyle where optimal nutrition is harder to acquire.

4. Fermented foods and pro-biotics.

We often hear about 'pro' and 'pre' biotics and there is definitely a place for them in a good nutritional profile.  Our digestive systems rely on a good balance of bacteria to function effectively and absorb nutrients efficiently.  So natural pro-biotics such as sauerkraut, live yoghurt regularly, or a supplement if your digestive system feels a little out of balance, is a great idea.

5. Juicing.

This is a commitment, but it is one worth making.  Once you have the system in place it can just be part of your daily routine - one that will make your body scream with thanks.  An instant injection of nutrients and enzymes to support and nourish your body through tough times.

Try these tips as a stepping stone to feeling brighter!


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