Monday, November 21, 2011

How do I get healthy? How do I actually start?

One of my most precious friends has asked me to write a blog on how to get started on the path to health.  I see him as someone who is pretty healthy, but he obviously knows otherwise! 

I guess some of you feel like there is too much information.  It is so confusing. Who is right and wrong?  Do I need to be so extreme to be healthy? Most importantly, how do I add something to my muffin and coffee diet to make it more appeasing to my cells?  

Today I am going to give you three steps to start getting healthier.

I will try and bring a few of the tips and ideas from my posts into something you can work with today. I have put it into three steps to get going, as that seems manageable, even for those of you who live on croissants.  

Step 1: Getting your Nutritional Profile Sorted

Our body needs about 40 nutrients a day, YES a DAY!  Those include vitamins, minerals and macro nutrients.  Most of you are going to be busy working and playing and not able to focus on getting all of those nutrients through your food.  Who has the time? Most don't. (Life is good right?  So many fun, unhealthy pursuits to engage in.)  But, oh, the guilt!

Even a raw organic diet needs constant care to get all of those nutrients, so it makes sense to take a supplement.  Go to your local health shop and ask for a good multi vitamin that includes all your B vitamins.  I also suggest you take at least 1000mg of Vitamin C a day, your adrenal glands use more vitamin C than any other place in the body and stress instantly drains them of it. 

I recommend Vital Greens as a superfood supplement that gives you a great all round boost if you can get hold of some, it is more easily absorbed than pill supplements and contains all of the nutrients you need.

Step Two: Eat More Raw Food

You don't have to be extreme and eat only raw food.  Try and get one really big salad in everyday and plenty of fresh fruit.  Raw food has a great affect on the body as it contains vital enzymes which aid digestion; the food does the work for you!  Raw food is also much higher in vital vitamins, minerals and proteins than a lot of cooked food so getting some in everyday is a great start.

That is not to say cooked food is bad, there are arguments for both, so in this scenario I always hedge my bets and do a combination.  Use the information available and make an educated decision.  I was having a conversation today about MSG and whether it really is bad for you?  My conclusion is if there is chance it is terrible, why take the risk?

Step Three: Green Smoothie a Day

Ok, I know I bang on about these all the time, but that is for a very good reason.  A green smoothie is the best way to get as many of the nutrients you need in an easily absorbed instant boost. If you feel you don't have time to make it in the morning, put all the ingredients in the blender the night before and whiz it before you go to work.  If you don't have time to do that?  MAKE TIME.  Eugh how bossy, but it's true.  Your health is the only thing you cannot buy (apart from that private island you so long for) so take care of it!

Instructions are on this post:

Finally, oh god I KNOW, it is Christmas and you are all going to have so much temptation, but just try and get a balance, even if you are getting loads of rubbish thrown in, please make sure you are getting the nutrients your body needs as well.  Give it a bleedin’ chance to recover from each onslaught!

LOVE you liver, Adore your adrenals and have as much fun as possible along the way because we only live once in this body and therefore a bit of care and carelessness is in order here.


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