Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How can I detox without fasting?

It is not realistic that everybody take the plunge today and eliminate food for a week or more.  Full fasting cleanses, juice fasts, water fasts and herbal cleansing are an unrivaled way of pressing the reset button and renewing your body.  But not everyone is ready for this step and not everybody has the time or patience at the moment, especially as the weather is getting colder in some parts of the world!

So, instead of going the whole way and cleansing full steam ahead, why not try a cleansing diet for a week before and then after Christmas (or through it if you are hardcore).  The detox centres on the island are FULL at this time of year I can assure you, Christmas day is not a holiday for me, it is spent looking after a full house of fasters trying to escape the Christmas abuse the body takes and the extra pounds of unwanted fat it stores as a result

Ok, so I have put a sample day together for you to work from.  This day includes nuts and spelt crackers and quinoa which give you grains and fats to keep you going if you are working. 

If you are off work or have a pretty relaxed working day you could try being even more alkaline in your diet (eating only alkaline forming foods) by adding more greens and vegetables and losing some of these more sustaining foods which take more digesting.  Drink plenty of water, about 8 glasses a day, but best to check your wee to see if it is clear for a true guide. 

Example Day

-Wake up and drink warm water with lemon juice and ginger.

-Wheatgrass or Spirulina Powder mixed with water.

-Psyllium husk shake (available from health food stores/mix with water to cleanse colon)

-Breakfast: Fresh Fruits and Quinoa porridge (quinoa is a grain high in protein) and a green smoothie.

-MId morning: Some soaked raw nuts that have been sitting in water for over 8 hours or a nut spread such as peanut/pumpkin/sunflower on spelt crackers (all available in health food stores)

-Psyllium husk shake

-Lunch: Large salad with as many different colours as you can possibly get in.  Tomatoes, carrots, peppers, mushrooms, if it grows, chuck it in.  As a dressing mix organic apple cider vinegar with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt and pepper. 

Mid afternoon: homemade guacamole (recipes online) with carrot and cucumber sticks.

-Psyllium Husk Shake

-Dinner: Another MASSIVE salad full of wonderful stuff.  Mix through some brown rice and sprouted mung beans for a power punch.  Another great dressing is Tahini, a pinch of salt, a squeeze of lemon and a dash of water all whizzed in the blender: creamy and delicious.


-Spicy Lentil Soup

Ok, so this is going to give someone on a regular western diet a massive cleanse already!  Those of you who eat simple white carbs like white bread and rice, pastires and cakes.  Those partial to daily coffee and sweet teas and certainly those who drink alcohol regularly will get a massive cleanse from doing this sort of diet for a week.

To take if further after a couple of days with this diet go raw completely and see how you feel at the end of the week!  Amazing I can assure you.  Go to this site for ideas:

So if you don't have time to even think about a full detox, you can at least give your body a rest and a re-boot.  It will use all those nutrients to repair, rebuild, strengthen and protect your body for the colder months ahead.  Then you may even find you keep some of these good habits and carry them through the season.

If you have any questions regarding where to get any of these ingredients or get meal ideas, just send me a message or email, I will be be happy to help!


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