Monday, December 5, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions: Colonic Irrigation

I know you are interested, you are here after all!  Putting a tube up your bum is not so bad, I can assure you that the benefits truly do outweigh all the fears before you do it. 

I coach people daily through self administered colon therapy and I thought that for those of you who are considering doing a detox and were worried about the process a list of the questions I get asked the most would be useful...

1.  Will it hurt?

No, the sensation can be uncomfortable at times and feels similar to when you have to go to the toilet in a hurry.  This can be accompanied by that familiar cramping feeling you get when you have eaten something that does not agree with you.  This lasts only a few seconds before you release the fluid.  I would say there are moments of slight discomfort, but certainly not pain.  All the guests here look relieved when they come down from their first pain and feeling great!

2. Is it really necessary?

It would not be necessary in a perfect world as we would be eating healthy, home grown fruit vegetables and plenty of fibre (and meat occasionally, if we were fast enough to catch it!).  However in most western diets our bodies are getting overloaded with the wrong foods that we cannot cope with, far too much red meat and lots of chemical additives.  The stagnation that results can lead to fatigue, illness and eventually disease.

3. How often should I do it?

This is not something that should be part of your regular lifestyle.  It is a technique used to eliminate built up waste and after a colonic session you should be aiming to achieve a diet that helps you eliminate naturally.  It is not a quick fix, but part of a lifestyle change. It is best done as part of a fast or raw food diet with prior cleansing.  Once or twice a year is a good idea for most people.

4. Are there any side-effects?

Mostly just feeling lighter, brighter and more energised.  However sometimes people can feel a little tired afterwards and like to have a restful day or even a lie down.  Most people report instant relief from headaches and fatigue.  If done correctly with the correct guidance then there will be no negative side-effects from the process.

5. Is putting a tube up your bum going to damage it or your insides?

No, as long as you follow the advice of the practitioner or coach then you have no chance of doing any damage.  You can safely insert 4 inches of tubing and the water flows in and out gently so there is no unnecessary force.  If you have a condition related to your colon such as diverticulitis, crohn's disease or an inflammatory bowel conditions then you should avoid this treatment completely or seek advice.

I hope this helps those of you who are thinking of trying colon hydrotherapy and do feel free to ask more questions if you are interested!

For more information about how the process works, visit this link:

Josie. Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)

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