Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Growing Your Own Food Has Never Been Easier

We all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables - but how many of us actually do? The average American eats only 3 servings of fruits and veggies a day - and at least one of those servings includes french fries! Yet the American Cancer Society, the USDA, the World Health Organization and hundreds of other health organizations recommend we eat at least 13 servings of fresh, raw fruits and veggies every single day.

So how can we get enough produce?

Well, some of the reasons people don't eat much produce is because it's expensive, it doesn't taste very good, it spoils too fast, and it's downright inconvenient! I believe all of those problems have now been solved - for those who know about it. Have you ever heard of hydroponic gardening? In the past, the technology was only for sophisticated commercial growers of produce (or in some cases illegal drugs). Today, everyone can afford to have a home hydroponic growing system where they can grow their own fresh produce - without any weeding, tilling, soil, or daily maintenance! Today, you can get an amazing Vertical Aeroponic Garden for just around $500-$600 - and you can grow as much food as you could in a 10x10 plot of farmland - except you can even grow in the winter indoors with hydroponics!

Growers report 2-3x the growing speed in these aeroponic gardens, meaning you can take a plant from seed to full harvest in just 4-6 weeks! You can literally harvest several crops a year of kale, spinach, collard greens, lettuce, dill, strawberries, fennel, cilantro, parsley, tomatoes, and even large plants like cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkins and watermelons! I've done the math and with the results I've been getting with my home hydroponics garden, I believe that buying and using one of these kits would pay back the investment in 10-12 months, and after that you're saving hundreds of dollars a year on your shopping bill because of all the fresh produce you're getting!

But what about the maintenance?

That's one of the best parts! All you have to do is refill the tank of water every few weeks with fresh water and a little bit of plant nutrients (which are included) and check the pH to make sure it's in the right range for the plants to grow healthy. Because hydroponic growing is a system that grows without soil, you don't need to spend hours digging up weeds. It just takes 30-45 minutes to set up the system and it's off and running. Then you just sprout your seeds (or buy seedlings) and plant them in the Vertical Garden when it's ready to go. Want more information about growing food at home with hydroponics? Tom writes regularly about nutrition, healthy eating, and growing your own food with aeroponics.

Many thanks to Tom Corson-Knowles for this informative article.

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