Thursday, April 12, 2012

Having Trouble Losing Weight?

Common Sense Weight Loss Tips

I have been working with weight loss and detoxification for the last three years in Koh Samui, Thailand.  The most common mindsets I see in weight loss goals are punishment, battle and deprivation.  I want to share with you some ideas that encourage you to work with your beautiful body instead of against it.

Start by focusing on your goal as one of health and vitality and then find ways of giving your body those gifts.  Do not focus on the deprivation of your favourite foods but the abundant choices available in the world of good nutrition!  Here are my five top tips for working with your body to achieve weight loss without the fight.

1. Increase your Intake of Essential Fatty Acids (omega 3 and 6). 

These good fats will create a permeable, high quality cell membrane and allow the release of unwanted stored fat.  The wrong type of fats will make the cells rigid and as a result weight loss will be more difficult.  The omega fats actually help to speed metabolism and create balance in the body.  A diet low in essential fatty acids is a dangerous one which can cause a lot of damage to our hormonal balance and may reduce our brain function and deplete energy levels.  For the right choice reach for avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish.

2. Choose Regular Balanced Exercise.

It may feel beneficial to pound away in the gym until you almost pop, but our body appreciates balanced, regular exercise much more.  Over-exercising produces harmful free radicals which take a lot of nutritional support to rebalance.  Regular swimming, brisk walking and ‘fresh air filled’ bike rides are much more beneficial to the body than hurling yourself around the gym twice a week.

3. Reduce Portion Sizes and Simple Carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates turn to glucose in the bloodstream, choose slow release choices such as whole grains which will sustain you. Try to avoid simple carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta, cakes and biscuits which may spike your sugar levels and result in energy slumps.  Blood sugar must be kept stable to avoid cravings so aim to go for meals with good quality protein, essential fats and plenty of vegetables.   The portion size is also vital, overloading the digestive tract causes havoc with our body’s metabolism and gives us more energy than we could ever hope to use.  The result?  Stored fat.

4.  Cut Back on Alcohol and other Toxins.

Our bodies are going to function best when they are in a clean and vibrant state.  Trying to lose weight when your body is loaded with toxic waste is going to be hard.  Cutting back on smoking, drinking alcohol, sugary foods and chemical additives will get your body in a positive state to start reaching goals.  Don’t expect results if you are not treating your body with love and respect.

5. Aim to get Healthy and Weight Loss will Follow.

Our body responds well to reassurance, encouragement and happy thoughts.  If you focus on healing and regenerating with a well balanced, nutrient rich diet then weight loss will be an unavoidable by-product of this lifestyle.  Pushing, hating and punishing your body are mindsets which create a negative basis for any physical goal.

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