Monday, August 6, 2012

Detox Your Body: Heal Your Mind

Fasting is a way to cleanse your mind, body and soul... not just shed a few pounds.

Detox sounds like something that you do for your physical body, and typically people are led to believe that it is only for this purpose.  However, a fast done correctly and monitored effectively will have fantastic benefits for your emotional as well as your physical health.  Never underestimate the effect a fast will have on the mind and mental well being, it is often quite profound.
After working in detox centres for the last three years I have found that everyone, whether they realised it at first or not, was going through a radical change in their thinking and approach to their lives.  When you decide to respect your body, and therefore yourself, by embarking on a cleansing fast, your mind responds with enlightening changes too.
Our mind and body are intrinsically linked and holistic approaches to health will never separate the two.  A holistic therapist will consider the effect your thoughts and personal life are having on your body as well as the things you are putting in and on it.  When you are filling the body with simple carbohydrates, refined sugars, chemical products and additives then your mind will also be affected by these compounds. 
When you do a fast, your mind will go through a journey of its own as you release these toxins from the system.  Your gut and your liver are vital; together they transport nutrients around your body and cleanse your blood.  If they are both clogged with old waste then this antigen, pathogen ridden waste gets transported through your blood and to all the tissues of your system. 

Imagine a car run on old, dirty, reused fuel; it would not get you very far and probably not sound very happy.  Your body is the same, when it is run on this congested old debris you will feel tired, foggy headed, de-motivated, unhappy and perhaps show symptoms of illness. 
Once you clean out your system then healthy, clean blood rushes through your circulation to heal and replenish every cell.  Your emotions responds with a new clarity of mind, enthusiasm for life and a feeling inside that anything is possible.  This alone is a great reason to do a fast and the new found motivation which you experience allows you to continue on your new healthy path for much longer than any fad diet or medications. 

Fasting is a fantastic path to a new way of living and seeing.

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