Monday, November 5, 2012

How to beat winter colds and Cold weather blues.

In the UK, at this time of year, we all start to sigh as the dark mornings follow the clock going back.  It is getting dark at five, we are lucky if we see the sun at all and all those signs of Autumn are fading into wintery skies.  Most of us feel a little bit dubious as the long evenings fade into black, but a lot of us also fall sick. 

When the seasons change our bodies always go through a process of change and adaptation.  Our skin adapts, we like to sleep deeper and longer and our immune system is put through a vigorous workout as we start to sink into the colder months.

The problem is most of us have been having far too much fun through the summer months and as the weather gets chilly, our bodies have not been fortified and prepared for this bout of cold.  So, what can we do to protect our bodies from this miserable cold?  Prevention is best, so taking good supplements and lots of wholesome foods is your best bet for walking out the office unaffected by the sneezing and coughs.

Here are my top tips for keeping well this season:

1. Here comes the green smoothie! Try and get one in every day of the year and your body will always be in a position of strength nutritionally.

2. Super foods.  Spirulina, goji berries...the list goes on. An immune BOOST INJECTION as you approach the cold.

3. Sleep.  We need healing sleep, under no circumstances miss out.  

4. Nourishing grains. Quinoa, brown rice, lentils.  Mix in with soups, dahl, stews and broths. Power food.

5. FRESH FRUIT and VEGGIES in all shapes and forms, some raw, some steamed.  Inhale them if you must, just get them in.

6. Most importantly in my opinion, set boundaries at work.  If you are working too hard for a boss who wants things done, ask this benefiting my health and happiness?  If it is not, then reconsider your working arrangements.  You get one life, don't live it for someone else.  Money comes and goes, your health should not.

7. Laughter (not with a cider in hand).  Keep it light, don't let winter blues get you down.  Feeling low is also the immune system's enemy.

8. Stay wrapped up.  I know this sounds obvious, but your Mum was right, keep that neck covered up.  This is maintenance for all seasons, hot then cold is never good, whatever the weather.  Air-con, central heating, it's all playing havoc with our bodies as we go in and out.

9. Balance.  We need an equal balance of work, play, rest, relaxation and spirituality in our lives.  If this is out of whack...good health is near impossible.

10. Supplements.  If you work too hard and your diet is lacking, then there is a place for supplementation.  Here are my recommendations:

Good Luck Staying well this season and remember, go to bed on time as often as socially possible.

Josie :)

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