So many people think that because asthma is a condition which is genetic or innate once it has developed it cannot be changed. Although it may be triggered by genetic and external factors, it can be controlled and improved with natural approaches and this can avoid or reduce the need for steroidal medications or brochodilator inhalers. Even if you still need medication, you may get to the point where you can reduce the dosage or limit usage by supporting your body naturally. Orthodox medication has an important place in the treatment of asthma, but it works well alongside natural remedies too.
So, if you are suffering with asthma or know someone who is, then trying these natural approaches can only do good on the road to managing a life with asthma.
1. Vitamin C rich foods and/or supplementation will help to support the immune system . Your immune system needs a real boost during any allergic/immune condition so make sure you are getting plenty.
2. Essential Fatty Acids are vital in any inflammatory condition. They balance other fatty acids which can be pro-inflammatory so are a great support for asthmatic conditions.
3. Fresh fruit and vegetables are vital for anyone suffering from asthma. The body needs extra support so green smoothies, juices and lots of abundant salads will help to support the body's natural immune health and may lessen the frequency of attacks.
4. Remove any chemical additives from your diet as they can interfere with the body's natural healing systems and cause imbalances. Inflammation and dysfunction responds well to natural foods but foreign chemicals can make it worse.
5. Meditation and breathing techniques are great for asthma. Although it is a physical problem, it still responds to stress. By managing stress levels and staying balanced, the body will be in a stronger place to deal with allergic reactions and asthma attacks may be less frequent.
So, try these natural approaches and remember that there is only good to come of getting in tune with your body and feeding it things which promote balance and health. All these efforts will improve your whole system, so only good can come of it.
Warm Wishes
Josie Was this useful? Like My facebook page... :)
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