Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Make Salads Sensational...

Some people think of salad as rabbit food, a hideous combination of lettuce and cucumber that they leave on the side of the plate.  

But wait, do not cast it aside too soon, salad can be a truly wonderful taste sensation if you are willing to put in a bit of effort and experiment.  Here are my top five tips for making a super salad this summer.

1. Vary the Leaves, including herbs!

So often we reach for a gem lettuce or an iceberg and the plate looks dull already.  Try a mixed bag of leaves or even better grow your own.  Choosing a combination of colours and textures will not only create a varied taste, but will add to the salad experience.   Choosing rocket and peppery leaves with more flavour will instantly lift the salad to the next level.  Herbs such as parsley, marjoram, coriander or mint will also give it extra depth.

2. Nuts and Seeds.

This is a great way to add good fat and healthy oil as well as adding texture.  Try to choose raw seeds such as sunflower or pumpkin.  These are also good sources of zinc and magnesium, which we are often deficient in.  Experiment with any seeds and grind them into the dressing if you prefer it without the whole seed.

3. Get the dressing right.

It is better not to use thick creamy sauces made with cream or mayonnaise that you often get in jars.  Experiment with olive oil or cold pressed flax seed oil, apple cider vinegar, raw garlic, crushed seeds, chopped herbs... I tend to do all sorts of combinations and some work and some don't.  It really depends on the texture and taste you prefer.  My favourite at the moment is a crushed clove of raw garlic, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and a spoon of cold pressed olive oil.  Simple but great.

4. Chop, chop, chop away.

If you chop a salad finely, it not only gets more flavour per mouthful, but you can eat more of it.  It is more dense, more textured and more full of yummy tastes.  Simply chop it all really finely and cube all bits you put on the top and give it a good shake, coating the whole salad with the dressing.  It makes all the difference.

5. Colour!

Choose as many different colours of vegetables, leaves and fruit you like.  The more colour, the more phytonutrients.  You want to get as much variety as possible to get a full spectrum of wonderful nutrients which actually work to help each other absorb and get utilised by the body.  Sprout your own seeds and add these to the mix for a really crunchy colourful array.

You really cannot eat enough salad, it is so wonderful for you.  You can add goats cheese, organic meats, or plenty of extra sprouts if you are a veggie.

I must encourage you to go as organic as possible with salad, unfortunately as they are high in water content they are prone to storing chemicals if grown with them.  Wash any salad that is not organic really really well.

Post any recipes you recommend here.

Happy chewing.


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