Monday, July 11, 2011

The Amazing Menstrual Cycle...

Oh god, here I go again, talking about things that you would rather not hear about. 

Periods  Yes, really.

Rather than talking about 'periods' as a time of the month where a woman menstruates, I am talking about the whole cycle of change a woman experiences each month.  I am not suggesting all women experience, or are aware of, extreme changes in their mood.  I just wish to highlight the cyclic nature a women has available to her, if she wishes to discover it.

I used to think that women who made a fuss about their periods were silly and it was an excuse to be grumpy and miserable.  However, over the years as I have observed my own nature and that of the women around me I have developed a deeper respect for the profound changes a woman experiences in the month.  I realise that at different times in her life and her year, she will experience shifts in her cycle and its effects on her will also
change.  Diet, climate and stress levels will all have a profound effect on hormones and therefore on a woman's experience of life each month.

Women are cyclic in nature, like the rhythm of the moon their bodies change and adapt throughout the month.  With these hormonal changes come disruptions in their mood, changes in their opinions, style and massive shifts in their sexual needs and desires.  How could anyone keep up when she can't keep up with herself?

It is a shame that associations of the cycle always focus on the troubled stage before menstruation, although it is often the stage other people notice.  It is important for women to be more gentle with themselves at this stage and not to push themselves into social situations or heavy work schedules that could end in tears, however at other times in the month she is radiant and powerful and ready for anything.

I often feel sorry for men as they try to decipher the complexities of a woman's mood and needs without realising what she wants today is not what she will want next week, or maybe the next hour! 

I am not just talking about bad moods and tantrums here, I am talking about creative energy, abundant physical energy, insightful thoughts, empathy, compassion and inspiration.  There are times of the month when all of these wonderful attributes will be greater and stronger and with an understanding of when these times will be, she can harness them and put them to good use.

At work yesterday a female staff member began to cry all of a sudden at something seemingly small, the confused male waiter said to me angrily,   'I don't think a man is any different to a woman, we must keep our emotions quiet at work and get on with our jobs.  It is not my job to understand why she is crying.'  Oh dear I thought, that is either a very confused or lonely life you are embarking on good sir, for women are going to keep surprising you like this.  You must at least try to understand if you want to remain intact.

I am not suggesting here that all women cry each month, far from it, we live in feminist times and of course we are all( hopefully) more equal in work and play.  However, our essential differences can get lost in these forced equalities.  I like to think that our differences are complimentary and equality in found in these differences.

I have recently started studying to be a 'Red Moon Trainer' and will be ready to give workshops and individual sessions with women, helping them harness their energies each month and understand themselves and each other more fully.  It is not about changing your life to suit your cycle, but being aware of how you interact with your life at difference stages of the cycle.  Miranda Gray has written books on this topic including 'Red Mood' and is currently training Red Mood Facilitators across the world (

If you are a woman interested in charting your cycle email me and I will send you a moon dial.  I promise you will be fascinated at how you change.  If you are a man, I hope this was interesting and if you want to suggest it to your friend or partner, make sure it is not at the wrong time! ;)  In miranda's book 'Optimised woman' she has a chapter for men on how to work around your lady's cycle and be aware of how it might and effect her and!

Women who suffer from serious PMT (pre menstrual tension) can make massive changes by addressing their diet.  I will post on this topic at a later date.

Opinions very welcome!

Over and Out.



  1. It might not be the most pleasant thing to talk about but keep ignoring it won't get us anywhere either. As a man, it is tricky to know your way around women's cycle but a little effort put into understanding it and knowing your partner and even your female friends goes a long way :)
    As usual...a very good article I say :)

  2. Thank you Rodrigo, well done for speaking up as a guy. There is no reason for it to be unpleasant, it is just the way it has turned out in society. If it had developed differently it could be a very special and respected thing. As you say, a little understanding goes a very long way! :)
