Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is synchronicity?

Sometimes we get lent a random book which answers our question, bump into someone on the street who changes our future or an opportunity appears, sent at the perfect time.  Synchronicity of events is something that can feel so mystical, magical and sometimes terrifyingly succinct.  So, what is it all about?  Why does it happen? can we get more of it?  

Synchronicity is the link between people and events that occur together in a way which makes them seem strangely connected.  It goes a lot deeper than this and there are lots of very clever people who can explain it in a way that loses me rather fast.  There are also a lot of scientists who think it is a ridiculous notion, but I usually love things scientists think are silly, which is why my brother and I bang heads sometimes.

What is it?

Some people think that synchronicity is just coincidence, but I like to think that it has more meaning than this.  It refers to events that happen together or because of one another that are uncannily linked in a way that makes you think, hmmmmm? Interesting! 

I believe that people, for example, come into our lives for a reason and often bring us a lesson or a message that we learn and, hopefully,  receive before they leave our life again. In some situations they hang around forever.  When you look at life as one big magical journey with lessons to learn and people to connect with, it becomes so much more exciting and interesting.

Occasionally I will find myself in a conversation with a stranger at a shop or at work, or...anywhere knowing me!  I often find that something in our lives at this point is interestingly similar, or they have some information on my situation that shifts my perspective on it.  Sometimes they actually know someone that may have an opportunity for me, or perhaps I help them in some way.  Sometimes small connections like this can have a startling effect on how we approach something we are doing in our life or send it on a new course entirely.  This is what I call synchronicity, people and things, messages and thoughts, coming at times that are so wonderfully in line that the results of them are profound and exciting.

Why Does it Happen?

I reckon we all have a path in life, a higgildy piggildy one which changes and turns and leads us in all sorts of directions, furthering ourselves and helping each other.  I believe synchronicity exists to give us nudges and winks as to which way to go next.  It reminds us that there is possibly something greater at work which is in someway helping us move forward with prompts, reminders and planted ideas.

I like to think that these linked events are beautifully designed in a way that makes us believe that anything is possible and baffles us into believing that miracles can happen.  Sometimes events seem to fall into place so impossibly that you sit back and think, wow, you couldn't write this!  It is often only when you look back on a year of your life that you realise how small events have created massive changes or strange repetitions have occurred.

How do we get more of it?

I think the best way to allow more positive synchronicity into your life is to open your mind to it and play around with the idea that perhaps there is a wonderfully helpful pattern occurring around us.  Sometimes awareness and belief and the hope that something positive and fantastic is at our fingertips is enough to make magic happen in our lives.  Sometimes when you think there is no way out of a situation, a book, person or job falls in your path and presents a whole new perspective or option that was not there before.

Of course I can see this all looks a bit mad and new age, but I cannot help but like the idea.  It does not feel like blind faith in something that makes life manageable, it feels like accepting the posibility of a link in lifes tapestry.  Some people believe in fate, others believe we make our own luck.  I think it is a wonderful mixture.

When I was in Bali with my friend Nick we met a man called Fred who was on holiday with his wife Judy.  We talked to this unbelievably negative man for some time and he told us repeatedly, that 'Life is a choice of problems'.  Sometimes being open to wonderful things happening is all it takes for wonderful things to happen.  I do worry about Fred, but mostly about Judy.

Have a think about things that have happened in your life that are linked in a wonderful way.  Be open to it happening and pay attention to people and things around you, they might just be the missing link to something new, but only if you let them. 

Over and Out.



  1. This is sooo true it almost makes me cry (in a really good way :))
    Loved the "which is why my brother and I bang heads sometimes" bit ;)

  2. Thank you Rodders, I am glad you liked it. We often all think these things but never voice them.

    Yes, Ben is always looking for proof, whilst I believe things I like the sounds of! :)
